Monday, May 26, 2008

Killing tomorrow...


I picked up Rock Band at the weekend. I've been waiting for this to come out over here since it was released in America.

It's far more fun to play than either Guitar Hero 2 or 3.

I spent most of the weekend playing the extra At The Gates and Metallica songs I downloaded. Definitely time well spent. Playing the songs with 3 others is hilarious. I enjoyed playing Blackened so much that i hit up eBay looking for ...And Justice For All on vinyl.

Kind of on that topic, I'm stoked on a new band that is in the works. Hopefully it's going to be a lot of fun.

I went to see the new Indiana Jones the other day. It was pretty great, although it did lose the plot a bit towards the end. The fight between the greasers and the college jocks was great.

Tonight a bunch of us are going to hit up Tim Burton's Batman in Cineworld. I'm really glad that the cinema is showing old movies on the big screen. Next month is going to be Blade Runner. I actually can't wait for that.

I wish I had seen Turmoil playing in 2000.

That's all for for now.



Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Stop talking crazy.